The default view is all very well, but you can't really see what's going on. When you start, fly straight up wards, then pull the view up and back until the horizon is almost (but not quite) off the top of the screen. This way you get a clear look at the surrounding area. The drawback is that when you dive to ground level you can't see anything at all, but it's really exciting jinking at speed between looming buildings.
Turning. Jam down on the thrust button when flying straight by all means, but releasing it as soon as you weave produces a far tighter turning circle. Your momentum will carry you forwards for the quiet second, and the near right-angle move baffles pursuing monsters.
Collecting power-ups is a horribly tricky business. The only way to do it consistently is either to fly straight at a bomber, blasting it at the last second so you instantly hit the power-up, or to wait for the power-up to land and settle, and then swooping down on it. If your shield is at full strength when you get the shield power-up, you'll get a bonus of dual lasers.
The monsters are largely stupid and if chasing you will float together into a group. Weaving slightly and varying your height will prevent them from locking on to you (flying straight and level is an amazingly stupid thing to do), and if any get in front of you (the circus tents and tanks, for example), diving, hitting reverse and then raking them with fire teaches them the fatal error of their ways.
It is better to stay away from the flip manoeuvre and rely on tight turns. The thing about flipping is that on the later levels where there are dozens of buildings, it's extremely likely you'll crash into one as you shudder backwards coming out of the flip. There is, however, one fantastic stunt you can pull off with the flip, and that's to wait until you're being chased by a pack and then flip and dive. Many of the monsters will smash into each other confusedly, and you'll go right under the rest to see them smash into each other trying to turn in no space! The mothership sequences are randomly difficult. At best you can just hold down fire and step left; at worst loads of monsters will appear. Since you're in the middle, every shot they fire will hit you unless you bob up and down. So bob up and down, whilst stepping left and holding down fire.
Save your smart bombs. By level four you won't get a chance to hunt the bombers - all your energy will be channelled into staying alive. So follow the mothership and nuke the lot as they appear. Remember - anyone can get 100,000 by hanging around on level one and shooting monsters. The trick is to get 100,000 by reaching level six.
Don't pepper a target bcause the strays may hit a building. Don't launch missiles at zero feet because they'll crash. Similarly, don't hoard them, but fire them instantly if there are bombers on the radar.
Missiles ensure a bomber kill. Finally, on a new level invest in flying high and shooting once at an unfamiliar building. If the shot goes over, so can you.